Ok Now I hesitate to even post about this, because I don't want to spread this CRAP any more then it already is. But this is my blog and I get to bitch when I get pissed off, and well I'm pissed off! These CHILDREN are the beginning of the end. Check out their site here. Here is a video of what look like cute sweet children, this is just flat out disturbing. It didn't really hit me until I saw one of them in highland dress. That just infuriated me!!!! If you look in there store section the promote finding your Irish and your Scottish history. It made me honestly sick. Here are the lyrics to that music video: Well sit down and listen, to what I have to say. Soon will come a great war, a bloody but holy day. And after that purging our people will be free, and sing up in the bright skies, a sun for all to seeÂ…Â…. Times are very tough now for a proud White man to live. And although it may appear that this world has no life to give. Times are soon changing, this cant go on o...