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Showing posts from April, 2008

Song challenge

The first 10 songs that come up when I put the zune on shuffle: Frank Sinatra - Night and Day GrassMasters - Get Over It Hairspray sdk - Come So Far Sweeny Todd sdk - Wait Across the Universe sdk - Let It Be Chieftains - Coast of Malabar GrassMasters - Albatross Billy Curlington - I've Got a Feeling Across the Universe sdk - Something New Kids on the Block - Cover Girl

Well Shit...

We are out for this month. DAMN IT!! We went in and the follies just didn't grow. I of course cried. And the nurse was SO sweet and offered me a shoulder to cry on. So lets list the goods from this: We dont have to pay for the IUI , this is good we were running a bit short this month takes the stress off for a few more weeks. I was told that I have the Ovaries of an 18yr old. now the bads : I'm not responding to the clomid ... that worries me we are out, and yet another month to have to wait! My lining is still thin So I guess we are pretty even. thats it...

new blog

Hey guys in an attempt to keep the uber personal crap out of this blog.. If any one cares you can check out... Hope to blog more here soon... Found something today that just blew my socks off!!!


Well, I don't quite know what to think...I guess nothing. DH and I went in for the ultrasound this morning. I was nervous but hopeful... I walk in at 9:10 (my apt was at 9:30) much to my delight they take me back right away! So I undress and we have idol chatter back and forth... yadda , yadda , yadda . so I lay back prop my feet up in the unforgiving stirrups and she sticks the light saber up there. now I don't know how in the hell they can tell what is what but hey I will go with it. So she is poking around and on one ovary she sees 25+ follicles all at about 5mm She said that I was the kind that was scary to induce ovulation because of that. but these are all too small for the IUI so she keeps looking...and finds one at 8mm. Still not good! So she pokes on the other side, to find the same thing. She also says that my uterus lining is very thin. SO the out come of today is that I have added an estrogen patch to thicken up the lining. and will have another ultra sound on...

Day 5...

So the most bizarre thing happened ... Some one turned off the spicket . Af was here for EXACTLY 5 days and then bam . Someone turned it off. Strange... Other then that the clomid is there not too hormonal I don't think... May have to ask DH :)

Well the every day thing has been shot to Hell...

Happy Sunday afternoon, It is 4:30pm and I am happy to say that I have been up, out of bed for a total of an hour and a half. Ok so on to the fertility stuff... The F-ing HAG showed on Thursday Morning. I knew she was coming and boy was she pissed! So on Friday I call the doc. I have an apointment for my first sonogram to see how many mature folicles I have on April 21st. The day after DH's birthday. I am excited and nervous as hell. I so hope this will work. 2 years is long enough to wait! I started the clomid yesterday and can already tell that I am a hormonal mess. ***Sigh*** So here is hoping!.

Getting to the IUI

Hello my peeps.... So if you came back after the book long post...THANKS! So DH and I are on our way to an IUI . I have started this a wee bit late BUT... Long story short... I was put on provera to induce my period. I took my last pill on sunday . Now as I understand it my period should be here some time between now and sunday ... So Here is hoping so we can move on to the next step.

Welcome...The First Post... Background

Hey Kids... One of my Favorite Cousin in laws (there are quite a few) suggested that I start this blog to chronicle my adventures in the unforgiving world of infertility. So here goes...The Story of my life thus far. Lets start at the beginning ... I am born... I was conceived in Myrtle Beach S.C. in April/May of 1980. My Mother was from far Eastern Kentucky and my Father was from a steel town in West Virginia. My Parents met at the University of Kentucky in 1972(?...Dad may need to correct year) and were married on December 14 th , 1973 (again "I think"...) They lived and worked together in Lexington, Kentucky. After a 'few' years of marriage they decided it was time for a child and got preggers ... Well that child was not to be and was miscarried. Well now we come to myrtle beach, I then decided to come in to being. I was born on January 27 th , 1981, at Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington, KY. Now the middle... I grew up... After a few evil nurses (namely Ginny ...